Tips & Tricks
Make sure your reed is wet, you can soak in a glass of water for a few minutes before playing or stick it in your mouth for a bit. Try a few different reeds until you find one that is best for you.
Do not bite too hard on the mouthpiece as that will prevent the reed from vibrating.
The Fingering
Make sure holes are covered completely so that air is not leaked out. Squeaky notes usually mean you're either blowing to hard or not covering the holes properly
The mouth technique or Embouchure will need practice,
For best result and tone, place Bamboosax mouth piece further into the mouth.(I repeat... Further into the mouth if not getting any sound at all) Curl the bottom lip just a little over the lower row of teeth so that no teeth ever touches the reed. place two front teeth onto the top of mouth piece and blow from the stomach. do not bite to tightly but apply enough pressure for correct sound.
Take good care of your mouthpiece protector ... it'll hurt if you loose or damage it.